
Day: 26 February 2013

2 posts

All You Need To Know About Santa Ana Couch

Santa Ana Couch is known to be the oldest type of couch. Though very similar to other varieties of couch, Santa Ana Couch does not produce many seeds in comparison to other varieties. It’s leafs have a lush green color with a fine texture. It is among the finest of couch varieties not to mention it makes an amazing disease resistant lawn.

During establishment, it demands frequent watering but withstands drought after establishment. This type of couch is best suited for places with ten-twenty percent shade coverage per day.

Santa Ana Couch looks amazing mow short; can be mowed down to a ground height of eight-twenty millimeters and still continue to flourish.

Recommended Usage of Santa Ana Couch
Its medium growth rate makes Santa Ana Couch highly tolerant to low frequency mowing and its dense leaf blades makes it tolerant to wear. For these reasons it is highly suitable to serve in sports fields, golf courses, public and residential recreational areas.

Other Characteristics of Santa Ana Couch:

  • Extremely fine rolling texture
  • Hard-wearing and self repairing
  • Deep root system
  • Requires minimal mowing
  • Highly resistant to herbicides
  • Highly tolerant to diseases and weeds
  • Grows perfectly in full sunlight conditions

During winter, depending on the frequency of snowing, it undergoes a dormancy period allowing it to survive through winter.

Maintenance of Santa Ana Couch
During the hot periods, mow after every seven-ten days and during the cold season, mow after every two-four weeks. During the warm periods maintain the maximum height of Santa Ana in order to improve its ability to retain moisture and color.

Water the couch thoroughly during establishment to encourage vigorous and deep root growth. After full establishment of the root system is full, water after every three-five days during the summer periods. On sandy soils, watering should be done more frequently.

Use fertilizers rich in nitrogen in case you need a quick green up, always use fertilizer as instructed by an expert.

Buffalo Grass – a magnificent Lawn Grass

Buffalo Grass is a perennial warm season form of grass. The grass is a native of Northern America and adapts to virtually any form of climate. The fact that the grass will grow in dry areas makes it a splendid selection for making a field. This can be because it’ll most likely stay green even with little or no irrigation, a fact that sets it apart from other types of grasses. However, for one get that sort of the lawn visualised in the mind, it’s vital to understand the process involved.

Seeding Buffalo Grass:
When seeding the grass it is crucial for one to organize the seed bed properly. If scatter technique is employed to plant the grass it is suggested that a thin layer of soil be placed on top of the seeds. With warm climate and minimal irrigation the seedlings should start to grow. The planting ought to be done early enough before the cold season for the best results.

Fertilization of Buffalo Grass:
Buffalo grass can perform comparatively well once fertilised. Care should be taken as excess fertilizers could damage the growth of the grass. Using right amount of fertilizers can speed up the growth process. It’s vital to assemble soil round the grass so as to strengthen the roots.

Irrigation and Mowing:
Once established it does not need a lot of irrigation to thrive. This grass can perform well once irrigated each period of time. Deep irrigation once in every two to four weeks can improve the quality of the lawn and keep the grass freed from weed invasion. Buffalo grass that is not irrigated frequently need little or no mowing if any. Once unmoved this grass has minimal growth above 3 inches and can stay attractive. The little irrigation and mowing needed make the management of a buffalo grass field simple. In contrast to other kinds of grass, this type of grass offers your field that green look throughout the year. This is what makes buffalo grass an exceptional lawn grass.